Become a member of the RPG group...

There are two ways you can let me know that you are going to help out with the RPG making process. The first is via email, that can be done here or through the contact section of the site. The second way, is through a form that will be sent to me via email by the site. I would recommend the form if you are unsure of what to include in your email, but if you are sure, you should just write me an email.

Things to include in an email:

1. Your nickname or real name. (This is what you will go by during the game-making process, and this is what will be used when posting information on the site.)

2. Your email address, this is so I can get a hold of you in case I have to tell you something or whatever, a mailing list will be available later on, if I choose to do so.)

3. The thing you want to help out with... a map of a city, a dungeon, a puzzle, an idea, some new radical concept etc. 

4. Anything else you want to include.



Here is a form

Your nickname:

What you want to help with:

Any other info or coments:

E-mail address:

Note that your email address will not be overused, and that you will not receive any spam or junk mail from me.

Page last updated:   11/18/2001